Boy is bullied for his pink T-shirt: When I see his teacher the next day, my heart breaks

Bullying in schools deprives a huge number of children of their right to education. Sadly, this form of violence is way more common than people assume and schools are sometimes unable to prevent it from taking place. Unfortunately, the consequences of bullying are long-lasting and affect the victim’s self-esteem. William Gierke, 9, wanted to contribute…

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Mocked for Marrying Her

Amidst society’s fixation on appearances, Amelia’s love story challenges norms and celebrates self-acceptance. Enduring harsh criticism, she found solace in her parents’ unwavering love. Bullied and marginalized, she found refuge in video games, until Sean entered her life, seeing her true beauty beyond societal standards. Their love defied odds, leading to a remarkable proposal and…

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