During His Adoption Hearing This Toddler Made Everyone Cry With One Word

For many parents having kids becomes a medical obstacle down the road. So many of these choose adoption. Mandi and Tyler Palmer share a similar story: after years and years of trying, the couple came in terms of not being able to bear children.

Mandi has a serious case of Crohn’s disease, which made it difficult for the couple to conceive children of their own.

Knowing there was also a need for foster parents, the Palmer family decided to consider a different avenue: foster to adopt. In order to become the parents fit for the process, the couple joined classes. After a week Mandi and Tyler earned their license as foster-to-adopt parents and soon little Hunter came to live with them.

However, the adoption process only starts after the foster child to be adopted stays with the parent for a year. Days turned into weeks and weeks to months, finally, a year passed. On the day of the court hearing, the family and close friends gathered to witness the process.

The clip below captures the heartwarming moment for Mandi and Tyler Palmer and their new son. As the judge announces the new legal name for Hunter, the family was reading the adoption decree and it was then that Hunter looked at Tyler and uttered the most amazing word that redefined the whole moment.

I couldn’t stop my tears of joy for the new family. Watch the full video below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!