What Elon Musk said about Jesus Christ surprised everyone. “If Jesus is saving people…”

Elon Musk, the CEO and co-founder of Tesla, discussed his views on religion and Jesus Christ in an interview with The Babylon Bee, a satirical website. Leading the conversation were CEO of the Bee Seth Dillon, Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann, and Creative Director Ethan Nicolle. The subjects discussed included riches and politics. But then the topic of salvation and faith came up seriously.

When Musk joked that it was a Sunday and implied that they would all burn in hell for skipping church, the tone of the interview changed. Then, Nicolle said that Musk just need to say a short prayer to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Musk said he agreed with Jesus’ teachings after pausing before answering. He emphasized the significance of moral precepts like “turn the other cheek,” forgiving others, and neighborly love. Musk continued, jokingly, “But hey, if Jesus is helping people, then I mean, I won’t get in the way of Him. Yes, I will be spared. Why not?

His reaction was applauded by the Babylon Bee hosts, who confirmed, “I think he just said yes,” with Nicolle. Musk said that he was baptized as a young child and acknowledged that he still has doubts about biblical tales and faith.

Even though he is not particularly religious, Musk disclosed in a moving 2020 address that he had prayed for the mission following the successful splashdown of the Dragon capsule. He highlighted the mission’s global relevance and conveyed the hope that it would provide happiness in the face of adversity.

Musk gave The Babylon Bee a rare view into his thoughts on spirituality and faith with this enlightening chat.